From Shed to Art Studio:

Clearly, I am writing the story of the shed to studio conversion retrospectively, as I have obviously been using it for several years.

The stories titled ‘Does Every Woman Need a Shed’ tell the story in stages with various tangential meanderings. This is for those of you who just want to see the process in photos without the words. Apart from these words of course.

So here it is, the whole messy business of converting an old outbuilding into a studio. I need to point out that it happened over many, many months, not on one day as my very fetching work outfit suggests! I do have other jumpers I promise.

I hope you enjoy looking through and if you feel like reading about the journey you can do so by clicking the link below, or though the Stories page.

Of course I do have another shed studio I had to build after this one, because doing ceramics is so messy and I couldn’t possibly do it all in the new and lovely fresh space. That is another story however…